The Leadership Team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection. The Head is supported by a team of leaders who share her ambition for continued improvement. The school has an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and a clear plan to address any weaknesses. The Head has high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Staff and Governors respect her work to ensure that all pupils learn as well as they can. Leaders have responded to the areas for improvement identified in our previous inspection report. All Leaders contribute effectively to ensure that teaching, learning and assessment are good. Leaders are trained and empowered to monitor their areas of responsibility. Pupils are polite and well mannered. They behave well, in and out of lessons. Pupils are proud of their environment and relationships between them are positive. Pupils talked about their learning confidently, and they were complimentary of the way teachers and school leaders value their opinions. Typical of their comments was 'Adults listen to our ideas and they are always willing to try them out.'
Ofsted May 2019